Vinifera Grape Preserve

Vinifera Grape Preserve - Photo By Thanasis Bounas
Vinifera Grape Preserve - Photo By Thanasis Bounas

1 kg ripe grapes without seeds
800 g sugar
1 pinch of salt
50 g water
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 sprig nutmeg geranium
50 g almonds

Wash the grapes well with cold water and remove from the stems. Put the grapes in a pot, add the sugar, salt and water. Leave them overnight for the sugar to dissolve and the grapes to swell. In the morning put the pot on high heat until it starts to boil.
Lower the heat to medium and simmer until the syrup has set for about 25-30 minutes.
Five (5) minutes before turning off the heat, add the nutmeg geranium sprig and the lemon juice.
When the syrup is ready, remove the nutmeg geranium sprig, add the almonds and store in sterilized jars.

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