The whole process of how to make a great coffee with the Melange method

The whole process of how to make a great coffee with the Melange method - Photo By Thanasis Bounas
The whole process of how to make a great coffee with the Melange method - Photo By Thanasis Bounas

Melange coffee, also known as Viennese coffee or Melange Vienna, is a popular coffee preparation method that originated in Vienna, Austria. It’s characterized by its rich, creamy texture and is often served with a dollop of whipped cream.

Here’s how to make a great cup of Melange coffee:

Freshly brewed coffee (usually espresso or strong coffee)
Milk or half-and-half
Sugar (optional, to taste)
Whipped cream
Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder for garnish (optional)

Espresso machine or coffee maker (for brewing coffee)
Milk frother or steamer (for heating and frothing milk)
Coffee cup or mug
Whipped cream dispenser (optional) or handheld whisk for whipping cream
Spoon for stirring
Grater for chocolate shavings (if using)


Brew the Coffee: Start by brewing a cup of strong coffee, such as espresso. You can use your preferred brewing method, but espresso is traditional for Melange.

Heat and Froth the Milk: In a separate container, heat and froth the milk or half-and-half. You can use a milk frother or a steamer if you have one. Aim for a creamy, microfoam consistency.

Pour the Coffee: Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your coffee cup or mug.

Add Sugar (Optional): If you like your coffee sweet, you can add sugar to taste at this point. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.

Pour in the Frothed Milk: Gently pour the frothed milk into the coffee. You can use a spoon to hold back the foam as you pour, allowing the milk to flow first.

Top with Whipped Cream: Add a generous dollop of whipped cream on top of the coffee. You can use a whipped cream dispenser for convenience or hand-whip some heavy cream until it’s thick but not stiff.

Garnish (Optional): If desired, garnish your Melange coffee with chocolate shavings or a sprinkle of cocoa powder for an extra touch of flavor and decoration.

Serve and Enjoy: Serve your Melange coffee while it’s hot. The combination of strong coffee, creamy milk, and the indulgent whipped cream creates a delicious, satisfying drink.

Melange coffee is a delightful and decadent treat. The balance of rich coffee, creamy milk, and sweet whipped cream makes it a comforting and luxurious coffee experience. Adjust the sweetness and creaminess to your preference, and enjoy this Viennese classic.

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