● 1 kg red cherry plums
● 750 g sugar
● juice of 1 lemon
Wash the cherry plums well, slice in half and remove the seeds.
Tie the seeds we removed in a piece of cheesecloth.
Put the sliced cherry plums and the sugar in a pot with the seeds we tied in the cheesecloth.
Put the pot on high heat for 5 minutes, then lower the heat to medium and simmer until the jam has reduced, about 35-40 minutes.
Stir frequently so it does not scorch.
Just before turning off the heat, add the lemon juice and stir.
Allow it to rest and then store in glass sterilized jars.
Want to learn more about the history and charm of jams?
Don’t miss our detailed guide that explores their sweet tradition, unique characteristics, and cultural significance. Click here to read more!

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