5 healthy jam recipes that you can make yourself

Apple Jam - Kumquat Jam - Melon, Apple, Nectarine, Kumquat Jam - Nectarine Jam - Banana Jam

Banana Jam - Photo By Thanasis Bounas
Banana Jam - Photo By Thanasis Bounas

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Apple Jam

1 kg apples, peeled
600 g sugar
100 g water
Juice of 2 lemons

Wash the apples well, peel and remove the seeds and then slice into small pieces.
Put them in a bowl together with the lemon juice so that they do not turn black.
Put the peels and seeds in a pouch of cheesecloth to simmer together with the apples because they have the most pectin.
In a saucepan put the sliced apples, the cheesecloth pouch with the peels and seeds, the water and boil until slightly soft.
Then remove the cheesecloth pouch with the skins, puree the apple pieces in a blender and put the apple puree back in the pot.
Finally add the sugar, cinnamon and simmer until the jam sets, about 25-30 minutes.
When it is ready, leave it for about 10 minutes until it stops boiling and store in sterilized jars.

Kumquat Jam

● 1 kg kumquats
● 1 kg sugar
● 100 g water
● 1 cinnamon stick
● 1/2 lemon

Wash the kumquats well in cold water.
Boil for 10 minutes and then strain.
Repeat the same thing 2 more times.
Slice the kumquats in half and remove the seeds.
Next, cut half the kumquats into small pieces and puree the other half in the blender.
Put the water and sugar in a pot and boil for 10 minutes and then add the kumquats, the cinnamon stick and half the lemon.
Boil all together until the jam has thickened, about 40-45 minutes.
Once it has cooled, remove the lemon and the cinnamon stick and store in sterilized jars.

Melon, Apple, Nectarine, Kumquat Jam

● 250 g melon
● 250 g apples
● 250 g nectarines
● 250 g kumquats
● 800 g sugar
● 100 g water if the jam needs more liquid

Slice the kumquats in half, remove the seeds and boil for 10 minutes.
Then puree them in the blender.
Next, peel and remove the seeds from the rest of the fruit and puree half of the fruit in the blender.
Cut the rest of the fruit into small pieces.
Put all the fruit in the pot, add the sugar and leave overnight for the fruit to release their juices.
In the morning, put the pot on medium heat and boil until the jam has reached the desired consistency, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon so it does not burn.
If the fruit has not released enough juices then add the water, otherwise omit the extra water.
Once the jam has reduced, turn off the heat and allow it to rest.
Store in sterilized jars.

Nectarine Jam

● 1 kg ripe nectarines
● 600 g sugar
● juice of 1 lemon
● 50 g water

Wash the nectarines well, slice in half and remove the seeds.
Cut the nectarines into small pieces and put the fruit in a pot.
Add the water and sugar and leave overnight for the fruit to release their juices.
In the morning, put the pot on low heat and simmer for 40-45 minutes until the jam has reduced.
If necessary, remove any foam from the surface using a slotted spoon.
Just before turning off the heat, add the lemon juice and bring to a boil.
To see if the jam has the desired consistency, put some on a saucer and allow to cool.
Once it has cooled tilt the plate slightly and if it is not runny, the jam is ready.

Banana Jam

● 1 kg bananas
● 700 g sugar
● juice of 1 lemon
● 30 g cognac
● 150 g water

In a pot, put the water, the sugar and the lemon juice and put on high heat.
Peel the bananas and slice into rings.
Once the water and sugar have come to a boil add the bananas and boil for about 20 minutes.
Stir frequently so it does not scorch.
Once the bananas have dissolved in the syrup our jam is ready.
If the jam is still too runny, boil for another 5 minutes.
Turn off the heat, add the cognac and stir.
Store the jam in sterilized jars.

Delicious Path
Delicious Path

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